I define here the LAND as a valuable natural property that stands first as a human status to any healthy-minded human being who owns it, who has authority over it, who has a rightful of belonging and dignity over it. Therefore, the above topic suggested a sad afterthought, and I in turn have invited myself to this contest, and yet me not as a lawyer nor advocate, but as a concerned native citizen whom ownership of the land I affirm.
I was not only attracted by this jest of illustrations done by Advocate Thembeka Ngcukaitobi’s book, THE LAND IS OURS. I am a great admirer of Advocate Thembeka Ngcukaitobi, and he is an Afrikan reasonable man who possesses no kind of fear to the study of dispossession of the land from Blacks by disturbers of our harmony in South Afrika.
According to the reasonable sense of the late Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe articulated that, “Those who in authority do not want to see the even tenor of their lives disturbed or get their mistakes and motives exposed to the light of the day” and in the dark legacy of South Afrika which is the ownership of the land in question, when the exposure of the truth about those whose authority control the land, and when their mistakes and motives exposed silences the offence.
I, therefore, myself as a South Afrikan concerned (Field Negro) persuaded by these accounts of access to the land, which seem to exceed its redline limit of the pain from the past to follow after truth. The word LAND expresses the sense of ownership, authority, rightful belonging of property and dignity to the person or people who own it, and in all ages in Afrika, long before the arrival of disturbers of our harmony in Afrika, ownership, authority, rightful belonging of land property and dignity were part and parcel of knowledge of the beholder and non-beholder to the LAND in question.The revelation of the truth about the LAND accessibility by Blacks in South Afrika is something which has been kept from ages to ages, and its revelation is taken as a capital offence by South Afrikan White European minority landowners. This is another defence of the dogma of the White minority, who always think that every ground must remain occupied, led by the desire to attach the element of personality and superiority.
To these attachments of an element of personality and superiority, comes an excess of Western influence which has shown itself in incongruous maintenance of white supremacy everywhere they are, and Australia is a great example of importation of offering a haven to White European minority in South Afrikan. This is a trade with which the oppressor does not want to part ways, and now truth and reality do not either want to allow this oppressor to continue to uphold his trade.
Ownership is the exercise of power to which one has a right, but dispossession of the land is the exercise of power beyond the rights of others and the truth of unjust acts. By this breach of unjust acts of dispossession, the dispossessors of the land tyrannize the rights and freedom of the beholder of the land. To this, I say there is no other afterlife to resume our rights and freedom to that which has been dispossessed from us- which is the ownership of the LAND in question. It’s absurd when the dispossessor wonders afterwards his unjust acts of refusing to swallow the bitter pill which he first put in the mouth of the dispossessed.
The dispossessed are wary of returning the pill to the poisoner and they all have the power necessary to change the formula of the pill to be bitterer and amend the constitution. To what length will the dispossessors continue to abuse our patience in the life of the memory of access to the land for Blacks? There is no way that one can colonize people without controlling their valuable property, which overpowers their ownership, authority, rightful belonging, and dignity to the property which today must be out of the question of whose land is it anyway?
By the standard of Afrikan’s living, Land was also part of the property that was conquered by the colonizers. The land was not taken under an ideal state by colonizers and the benefited inheritance of the colonizers, but it was taken from Blacks everywhere in Afrika as a distinguishing property of human status of power by the other.
A White European man in South Afrika never loses anything if he has land to himself, and a native Black man in his yard loses everything if he is forced out of his land, not by himself. For a desperate gain of land dispossession from Blacks calls a desperate cure of infernal turn of deceitful, which confers a benefit on South Afrikan White European minority who own the land. Afrikan society is not a solitary one nor its culture solitary, for both society and Afrikan culture comprehend each other to the images of pain.
To reason about re-compensation is to deny and doubt the injustice of dispossession of others, and this insensibility is incessantly expressed from jealousy of the truth, to which a White man thought is not liable to the reality of land which he has acquired by the post-colonial system. We cannot help but see the dispossession of the land as a turning point, the vortex of Afrikan history to Afrikans. The pride connected with the colonial economic system makes it the most arrogant and mendacious practice, which is ever directed towards the suffering of Afrikan people in the diaspora.
One can’t address the issue of the land without the earmarked contradictions of the White economic system of the day in South Afrika, and the ending of ownership, authority, rightful belonging of land property by Afrikan societies to their dispossessed property. One must bear in mind that Afrika didn’t colonize itself, and if it didn’t, who did? The answer here is very simple, those who today have ownership, authority, rightful belonging of land property, and dignity in South Afrika, and they are non-other than pre-van Riebeek descendants who are also a minority in South Afrika.
My contest of ownership of the land in question is only apprehended here by the original cause of dispossession of the land in the exercise of colonial power, not by the hype of the media. The first of the first is that self-invitation of colonial white people in Afrika was done with a spider web conquest of the LAND with everything in it, and this was people who had one goal and mission in mind of this most valuable resource, which is the Land and all that is in it, including the type of it in South Afrika.
By the service of the Gunpowder, Afrikans were dispossessed from their motherland. By the use of denouncing their ancient education, Afrikan cultural spirit and morality became a circus of the second guess to goodness and faith in God. This was their service to Afrikan mankind on which they have observed and established the laws which only benefited them in the socio-economic colonial system from what they have acquired. From the events of their colonial summits and causes of injustices of land dispossession of Black people, they planted themselves here in our Afrikan yard, and pretend as if nothing truthful has happened.
I declare here that if ever colonial descendants were tourists, why didn’t they go back to their duties of Europe and never come back again in our backyards as their history books tell us? Wherever they were in that day, in the dealings of their meetings of contravening Afrika, there in that meetings, were mechanically and chemically planned and staged with the dogma of seeing whosoever who stays there in Afrika, if ever they are people in Afrika as primitive people. People who don’t know what to do with their land resources, and with this dogma, animate and impersonate us as less of an animal being.
This was their plan that all things of breaking down the backbone of Afrika must be, and should be as much possible like themselves to own it. Whosoever, have a desire of dishonouring, devouring, devaluing, disrespecting, and disregarding the value of others by one form or another, becomes the confession of their vices and inhumane record of their diseases to be experienced by others.
In truth of the matter is that, in access to the land and pitching pain from the past and in the connection between the cause of dispossession of the land and effect of exceeding the redline limit of the pitching pain from the past, alone interests me. This record of dispossession of the Land by the colonial system is alive in the black child’s eye who is born in the demises of Ekasi settlement and rural distance homes.
Everywhere in South Afrikan Black township settlement, Black people were and are still squeezed into a matchbox stand, which only fit for pig society settlement. To us who are sensible black people, the memory of the dispossessed land becomes a looking-glass reminder, which has to display the images of Black controlled socio-economic conditions touched with the pitching pain images composed from the eminent experience of the past brought us to these matters.
This is no time where justice and the belly shall enforce the wrong, which I have seen it many times in South Afrikan justice, and it must be a practical truth that transpires sensible Black South Afrikans to count all the non-sense that the media, the House Negroes and the white inheritance they say, some things like access to the land are undefinable and indescribable.
In addition to this, I still reference myself here that, if the late Jan-van Riebeek whom they tell us he arrived in 1652 was to rise from the dead, he will still speak in the style of the minority of white domination, and colonial system, because there were no other things he sees on us who are still dominated in both sides of the story.
Jan-van Riebeek and his associates never saw the souls of Black people and disposition of their land, exploitation of their resources, and slave trading to Europe and America in pain as something barbaric to them rather welcoming it. Nothing can be so insincere than his head when the valuable resource of land is something he needs most, and when the faith of a Black man is without a cloud of self-doubt, to the utmost of his power adds a proportion in his faculties that, it is also in the dispossession of the land that a Black man sees dreams, just like the inheritance of Van Riebeek do.
There are two measure sentences upon the Nelson Mandela most famous speech in Rivonia trial 20` April 1964, I have revisited the words said by Nelson Mandela, not once but many times trying to make sense of it, “I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against Black domination” that alone of black domination interest me to ponder and wonder, inquire and search realistic of what were white dominating which Mandela said about and what were Blacks dominating and what are they dominating now?
We all know that the colonial system by the fate of apartheid in South Afrika was accommodating white domination over the domination of unaccommodated Black people in their own country. No doubt that Land was not part of these introspections of Mandela on the account of White domination, but there is much arouse of doubt than mixed feeling in me of what Black people were dominating for, if not from the self-defence against the brutal senseless apartheid regime?.
The reason here is that whichever way or form of struggle of Black people’s domination was always made a Blackman unaccommodated man by the Whiteman and his apartheid system, nothing else beyond this point. A controlled human being by an unjust system can’t be equal to the other until the roots of such a system are cut from its growing source.
Being from dispossessed of the LAND by the colonial system in South Afrika, socio-economic attributes of Blacks will never correspond to each other, and now that the question of access to the land has exceeded the redline limit of super sensible Black people’s intellect and must one day be rewarded with a permanent gift. And now refreshed and empowered by democracy and relevant politics of the young may perhaps return the pride of our dignity.
Truth to this matter of LAND in question is that people who in their soul have never perceived the truth of dispossessing the land of Black people or either benefited it from the inheritance of their colonial grandfathers cannot accept the misfortunes that can befall them. The instinct of fear of losing the value of the land in practice and loss of privilege from that part to the whole discriminating illusionist from realist, wrong from right, falsehood from truth, and return in mind of the benefits of White South Afrikan minority.
To access the dispossessed land is also part of the justice itself to the Black people, beyond comparison of legal amendments of constitution and freedom charter, which also make a charter itself not a true representative of truth. Access to the dispossessed land to me means a true returning of Black people to a real Afrikan being, which it gave before the colonial settlers and taken away by the disturbers of Afrikan’s harmony, as the law of access of Black settlers is before the law of dispossession of the receiver.
Just in the same way, whereby disturbers of our harmony have hoped to search and find what has become the very self of everything in the colonial states, which is the LAND. When Black people in the same way truly identify, define and describe that which is truly their belongings, the flashlights emerge on what prices are Black people willing to compensate from accessing the land? And what price, above the price of dispossession of land, did the disturbers of our harmony were willing and able to compensate on Blacks?
Compensation of the dispossession of the land is a left-hand, right-hand rule, meaning that, what you do on the left; you must do on the right. If compensation is to be done on White minority South-Afrikans, it must begin with the white minority compensating the majority of Black people from dispossessing them from their land, since the truth of access to the land and compensation to the land must be observed here alone.
Truth is an acumen that no conscious person can deny, and those who are now denying it tend to exaggerate the circumstances of suffering. Access to the LAND by Blacks in South Afrika, means to those who own it must see the same truth? If they do, it means to Blacks, let us be happy with the same happiness of owing it as well, and no tension will hold us to each other’s right. But those who practice evil and deceit will always be afraid of others, and Afrika is no short of these sure practices of a characteristic of evils done to their land.
Ownership of the land is one of the most sensible things to any society, by any society in the whole world. The black man has the same regard for the land, as it is for the source of wealth to a white man, which expresses his idea of dominion and power of wealth. As the rumour runs from what Zimbabwe is known today for expropriating the land, I still see that even among us, as the confuted opinion respecting the unjust and disrespecting the just.
What our house Negroes do not yet see in colonizer’s grandchildren is that whosoever, initiated this knavery of the colonial system and land plan control by Dutch colonizers in South Afrika, was applauded as the best defenders of their colonial domination, which kept recommending them to commit the most atrocious crime to secure themselves.
And when dispossession of the land was initiated by Dutch and British colonizers, there was no If and but or what, while among us from the hitting debate of access to the land, there is a lot of If and but or what. Time alone has taught us both a lesson, and by the study of the Zimbabwean situation, the White minority still receives a Black man as a guest in his land who needs to be fed. These of course, in the failure of the Zimbabwean economic situation, have obtained the means of forming an opinion about us.
I do also for my part admire to resemble the Zimbabwean situation to the story of Caesar’s fate before the ides of March in response to the soothsayer, and these According to Shakespeare’s writing of Caesar’s fate, which shares the same sentiments of Zimbabwean ides of much in the South Afrikan debate about access to the land. In a world of his own, Caesar’s words to the soothsayer were “The ides of March are come, yes they come, but they are not past, go on my friend and fear nothing, you carry Caesar and his fortune in your boat”.
The very same land has become their empire to dominate Blacks until where we are in the 21st century. Access to the land is not about the new empire on Blacks but returned the belonging to the rightful owners, which controls the colonial system to us. Ownership of the land, however, unfortunate to Black people, commands dignity even from our old and new enemies.
The hovering insistence that Black people should present themselves all the time with a tunic plan of ideas about the Land production has something to do with suspicion of in determination of Blacks. I believe that He who uses the medicine to maintain his health must have examined the disease from his unresolved spirit. For we know today that, here in South Afrika, a man who first offers to draw the first wine in the banquet of the land is the first to destroy our liberties.
We are not seeking pre-eminence in South Afrika, rather we understand that there is no difference between White and Blacks than that, which is established by the colonial system, whose land was wholly concentrated in the hands of a few from Blacks. I see and view that, LAND has a larger field of truth to the Black people and concern in the life of a human being than bare suspicion showing itself.
The fate of access to the land by Black South Afrikans however, is to all presence more unavoidable
than what was unexpected by those who now own it. As a result, such personal measure of
judgment by lowering the bar of capacity in Blacks, which is always influenced by the praise of
themselves to distrust our value to the use of land, is not without superiority. Access to our land
is a good practical stimulus that inspires the impulse in the means of subsistence practices, while I
do not deny either that, the very spring and root of use of land and virtue of our duty is also in the
harvest of a good education.
Nothing makes the European White minority in South Afrika so irritated, as they see a Black man unveiling the truth about the power of White man to the ownership of the land. And once again, nothing makes a Black man so irritated, devalued, dishonoured, disregarded, disintegrated, devoured, and disrespected, as they see House Negroes and a White man still covering the truth of injustice by the history of the laws.
By Mulalo Netsianda
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